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Shadowless Surgery Lights (Halogen)

MAGNAPAX Halogen OT Lights come with latest Technology features:

1. Bright, easy to focus Light.

2. Maximum Shadow Reduction.

3. Easy to position ( 360 degree rotation with no

4. Excellent Intensity Ranges without glare.

5. Low Height Positioning.

6. Laminar airflow Compatible.

LED OT Lights

The Latest LED Technology Operation Theatre Lights with high tech features for a perfect surgery :

1. 8 color settings in 8 different steps- Its like

having 8 different lights in One!.

2. Improved Contrast, Less Fatigue and

greater Ease of Use of OT Light.

3. Optimum Light Output - Multi Lens matrix

for shadow less and upto 25% more light in deep cavities.

4. Durable - Long LED Life expectancy of the

LED OT Light.

5. Optimized design for Laminar Air flow.

6. No distortion of colors.

7. Excellent cavity illummination.

Latest LED Light

Latest LED Light features

1. Touch Screen Control.

2. Lux, Kelvin and CRI adjustments.

3. It has a CRI adjustment, which will 

give natural colour rendering even after years of Light use.

4. High Brightness and 3500

Kelvin to 5000 Kelvin adjustment.

5. 360˚ maneuverability with touch of a finger.

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