Babystar Operation Theater Table
Babystar Operation Theater Table is specially designed pediatric OT table. Babystar is one of the widely accepted pediatric operation theater table in India:
1. Table top slide: Once we press this option on the Remote the table top will slide forward and Back ward.
This helps in repositioning the patients body and the area of C-Arm imaging becomes wider.
2. Dual Control Console: Apart from the Remote control we can also operate all the controls through another parallel console which is fixed on the base of the table.
3. Zero Auto Leveling: The table top comes back to the 0 level from any trendelenberg position.
Cardiomatic Operation Theater Table
Cardiomatic Cardio-thoracic OT table features
1. Extra low height of 25” compared to standard height of 32” !!.
2. Steep Reverse Trendelenberg tilt for near sit up position.
3. Specialized attachments for easy patient positioning.
4. Table top slide with remote control.
5. Zero Auto Leveling.
6. Dual Control Console.
7. Non Hydraulic leak proof maintenance free construction.
8. Affordable Indian prices.
Gynaecstar Delivery Table
Gynaecstar Delivery Table features
1. Gynaecstar is a new concept of a Gynecology Delivery Table / Bed which enables easy handling of the patient during delivery.
2. It has been made in such a way that cleaning is very easy & hence maintains hygiene.
it is possible to conduct the delivery in conventional or alternative positions (recumbent on back, half-seated position, on all four limbs-back position, lying on the side, suspended bent-knee position, bent-knee position with partner's support).
Laparostar Operation Theater Table
Laparostar Laproscopy Surgery Table Features
1. Extra low height of 25” compared to standard height of 32” !!.
2. Steep Trendelenberg tilts for near sit up position.
3. Pulsing at 12.5 frames/ second.
4. Specialized attachments for ease of patient
5. Table top slide with remote control.
6. Zero Auto Leveling,Affordable Indian prices.
7. Dual Control Console.
8. Non Hydraulic leak proof maintenance free construction.
Neurostar OT Table
Some special features of the Neurostar tables are :
1. Extra low height : Generally all the OT tables start at a height of 32’’ but our Magnatek Tables starts with a low height of 27’’.
2. Table top slide: A very convenient feature offering very large imaging area during spine surgeries & makes repositioning the patient also very convenient.
3. Dual Control Console: Apart from the Remote control we can also operate all the controls through another parallel console on the table in case of emergencies.
4. Zero Auto Leveling.
5. Non-Hydraulic leak proof construction.
6. Affordable Indian prices.
7. Future upgradability.
Obesomatic Bariatric Surgery Table
Obesomatic bariatric surgery OT table (350 Kgs) has the features like:
1. Extra low height of 25” compared to standard height of 32” !!.
2. Steep Reverse Trendelenberg tilt for near sit up position.
3. Specialized attachments for easy bariatric positioning.
4. Table top slide with remote control.
5. Zero Auto Leveling.
6. Dual Control Console,affordable Indian prices.
7. Non Hydraulic leak proof maintenance free
Olympian 2000 OT Table
Olympian 2000 OT Table has special features like :
1. The special 4 support pillar construction makes the table wobble free & highly stable during heavy nailing procedures.
2. The absence of a central hindering pillar gives excellent imaging area in the centre of the table for all spinal procedures.
3. It has an excellent Fracture Attachment design with a variable position perennial post, which gives Hip Lateral View in one single shot.
4. It can be extended outwards, swivelled side ways and then can be locked at the desired position for C-arm Imaging.
Olympian 9000
Olympian 9000 has special features like :
1. This is a specialized Endoscopy ERCP/Angiography O.T table with a 4-way Floating table top.
2. It can float 20’’ longitudinally (forward & backward movement) and 6” Laterally (sideways movement)which gives maximum area for C-Arm imaging.
3. Additional features include vertical height adjustment and trendelenberg tilts also.
Urostar Operation Theater Table
Urostar Operation Theater Table has special features like :
1. Extra low height : Generally all the OT tables start at a height of 32’’ but our Magnatek Tables starts with a low height of 27’’ and we can vary the height upto 37’’. .
2. Table top slide: Once we press this option on the Remote the table top will slide forward and Back ward. This helps in repositioning the patients body and the area of C-Arm imaging becomes wider.
3. Dual Control Console: Apart from the Remote control we can also operate all the controls through another parallel console which is fixed on the base of the table.
OT Table accessories
OT Table accessories has special features like :
1. Accessory Trolley.
2. Tilting Head Rest.
3. Anesthisia Screen.
4. Body Straps.
5. Cervical Spine attachment.
6. Clamp adapter.